TPTA is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Distinguished Service Award which recognizes parking professionals who have contributed to the education, professional development, creative solutions, and standards of customer service in the parking and transportation industry. 

Your nomination must include the items below and cannot be longer than 800 words.
Name of nominee:
Name of person nominating:

Please provide a statement (800 words or less) that entails the individual’s accomplishments and why they are deserving of the Distinguished Service Award. 

Criteria for selecting the Distinguished Service Award recipient include:
1. Professional reputation
2. Contribution to the parking industry/organization
3. Creative solutions and innovations (include outcomes)
4. Public Relations and Customer Service
5. Peer Interaction

Please include items that will address the criteria in your nomination statement. 
Email all nominations to Maria Irshad:

All nominations need to be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 1, 2017. 
