Peter Lange, Texas A&M University

Peter Lange, Texas A&M University

I was working for the Atlanta Regional Commission’s (Metropolitan Planning Organization for Atlanta) commute options program called Commute Connections as a systems analyst assisting with the regional ride matching program.  One of the senior outreach coordinators left the program to work for Georgia Tech’s parking and transit department. I think it was the day after he arrived that he started to recruit me. A couple of interviews later and I became their first IT systems specialist in the spring of 1999.

How was I tricked? During my first week on the job the person that recruited me left. The week after that the director left and within two weeks, everyone I knew was gone.  Fortunately for me the university brought in a great interim team. Each person was completely new to parking but had been at Georgia Tech for several years. To this day, they are still part of my parking family.

Peter Lange
Associate Vice President
Texas A&M University
