A huge thank you to Dean Ahmad, TPTA President, and the DFW team for hosting the most recent TPTA roundtable on September 28.  DFW shared their success story of employee engagement. They provided examples of programs and committees that have been put in place at DFW that empower employees and stress the importance of their overall well-being (professionally and personally).  While I can’t speak for everyone who attended, I know that I left DFW with a laundry list of ideas on how to improve employee engagement for my team. Pumpkin carving contest, anyone?

What goes better with employee engagement than customer service? The roundtable was a great reminder of how these two topics go hand in hand. The fundamentals of customer service don’t change, but getting creative in stressing the importance can be a challenge. Frontline employees tend to take a beating from customers and employee engagement is great way to offset potential negative impacts. It also reinforces the importance of their contribution to the team. Within our industry its normal to see most parking peeps talking shop with a smile plastered on their face.  It’s these same smiles that make for a more bearable conversation while issuing a citation or towing a vehicle.

Nicole Chinea, CAPP
Regional Vice-President

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