Dennis Delaney, CAPP
Dennis Delaney is the Assistant Director of Operations for Parking & Transportation Services. He is known across campus as the “Garage Guy” even though he has transitioned to being the Event and Construction Planning person. Dennis also oversees the equipment in the garages and is the resident T2 “Flexpert”.
In June of 2014, Dennis became the first person with the University of Texas at Austin to earn his Certified Administrator of Public Parking (CAPP) credentials from the International Parking Institute. At the time of his certification, there were less than 200 CAPP’s in the world and currently there are less than 250. Dennis spent two-years studying parking garage design, the ins & outs of parking equipment and technology, management classes, and the theory behind all things parking.
Dennis has worked his way through the ranks of PTS. He was first hired as a Cashier III in December of 2001. He was promoted to an administrative assistant, then administrative associate. Prior to becoming the “Garage Manager”, he was the assistant to Bobby Stone when Bobby was an Assistant Director.
Dennis’ past life includes over 12 years of retail management and four years in the medical field. His favorite job before coming to the University of Texas was working as a District Manager/ Trainer for Best Buy. In this capacity he interacted with several individuals across the nation.
On a personal side, Dennis comes from a family of six kids - two sisters and three brothers - including a younger fraternal twin brother. His oldest brother Tim cried when the family moved from Indiana to Texas because Dennis and his twin were going to be born in Texas and be “rebels”.
Dennis attended West Texas State University to become a high school band director. His primary instrument was saxophone. He still plays an electric sax on occasion.
Dennis has been in a relationship with Tom Watts for fifteen years and was married on June 27, 2015. They have two dogs - Sheldon and Mindy. When they have the chance, both like to travel. They have been from one coast to another coast as well as two cruises in the Caribbean.
In his spare time, he is a geek. He loves technology. He upgrades whenever Apple comes out with a new iPhone or iPad. Dennis owns an Xbox 360, a PlayStation 3, and an Xbox One. His favorite games to play are shooters like Halo or Call of Duty.