
Let's do lunch - Register for the September 16 webinar!

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, Septpember 16, for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



Let's do lunch - Register for the July 15 webinar!

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, July 15, for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



#TPTA2021 - Register today!

The Texas Parking & Transportation Association is thrilled, THRILLLED, to welcome you to Round Rock for our 2021 Annual Conference & Tradeshow - happening live and in-person at the Kalahari Resort, August 9-12, 2021.

Deadline to reserve your room at the hotel is July 10.

The conference agenda is packed with informative presentations that apply to all sectors of our industry. We are excited to be meeting in-person again and look forward to hosting you in Round Rock, Tx!

If you are registered to attend the PIE conference, also happening in July in Dallas, Tx - you get 25% off TPTA registration. All TPTA registrants are eligible to receive 50% off PIE registration.



Let's do lunch - Register for the June 17 IPMI webinar!

Join us for this FREE IPMI training session where we will identify challenging team dynamics, recognize the effects of organizational change, and review the steps required to improve individual and organizational responsiveness. Thanks to Flash Parking for their generous sponsorship of this event.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, June 17, for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



Let's do lunch - Register for the May 13 webinar!

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, May 13, for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!




Marc Denson Scholarship - accepting applications until June 15,2021

The Texas Parking and Transportation Association (TPTA) Board of Directors established the Marc Denson Scholarship Fund in 2019 in honor of Marc Denson who served as the Parking Manager for the City of Corpus Christi as well as a board member of the Texas Parking and Transportation Association from 2012 to 2017.

The best candidate will exemplify the kind of public service that Marc Denson gave during his time with the City of Corpus Christi, including commitment to public service, integrity, persistence, resourcefulness, and compassion.

Read the submission requirements and submit your application to today.




Let's do lunch - Register for the March 25 IPMI webinar

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, March 25 for our latest installment which will be an educational seminar presented by IPMI’s own Cindy Campbell. Thank you to Cardinal Tracking Inc for their generous sponsorship of this event!

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!




TPTA Partners with Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS)


The Texas Parking & Transportation Association (TPTA) is pleased to announce our support and partnership with the Alliance for Parking Data Standards.


APDS was formed by the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI), the British Parking Association (BPA), and the European Parking Association (EPA). APDS is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to develop, promote, manage, and maintain a uniform global specification that will allow organizations to share parking data across platforms worldwide.

APDS is a consensus-built international standard establishing a common language for data elements and definitions in the parking, transportation, and mobility sector that helps to facilitate seamless integration, compatibility, and communication between parking entities, the automotive industry, IT developers, map and app providers, as well as other stakeholders. Find out more and download the specifications today.

As an APDS affiliate, TPTA is committed to doing our part to support the advancement of this important industry standard. We look forward promoting APDS, while helping to expand its recognition to organizations throughout Texas. We and encourage our members to learn more about APDS, and commit their organizations as a supporter. For more information, visit the APDS website, or become an APDS supporter.



Let's do lunch - Register for the February 18 webinar

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, February 18 for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



Let's do lunch - Register for the January 14 webinar

We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Our industry has been affected in ways we did not think possible a few months ago. We at TPTA are here for you and are committed to supporting you through these challenging, unknown times.

One way we are connecting and supporting our members is through our Let’s Do Lunch Series. Join us on Thursday, January 14 for our latest installment.

We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



Let's do lunch - Join TPTA for an IPMI training session on November 17, 2020

This month's Let's Do Lunch brings a special treat! Cindy Campbell with IPMI will be hosting a special training session for us entitled "When the Old Script Doesn't Work: Customer Experience & the NEXT Normal".

The session will discuss the changes we have experienced throughout the pandemic and how to best adapt to them. We will have a one-hour training session from Cindy followed by a 45-minute discussion afterwards. We hope you can make it!

Thank you to Walter P Moore for sponsoring the event! We look forward to seeing you!

Register now!



Call for Presentations Open for 2021 TPTA Spring Conference & Tradeshow

TPTA has issued our official Call for Presentations for the 2021 Spring Conference and Tradeshow, April 12-15, 2021 at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, TX. 

Topics for consideration should provide technology innovation, bring how-to knowledge, and increase the professional level of conference attendees.  Preference will be given to presentations which illustrate case studies and include a vendor and customer that provides input to the presentation. Presentations which spotlight or promote a specific products or services will not be considered.

Submission should be in a WORD format and include the following:

  • Presentation Title

  • Brief Overview

  • Audience Takeaways

  • Speaker bio with photo. 

Send your presentation submission to Dawn Marti, TPTA Conference Manager

