
TPTA Conference Session Feature: Need to Succeed: A Case Study on the PARCS Installation

TPTA Conference Session Feature: Need to Succeed: A Case Study on the PARCS Installation at the Largest Parking Facility in the US

Learn about the significant PARCS installation at the country's largest paid parking facility: Texas Medical Center. The session will highlight the factors that led to the successful integration of this significant PARCS installation.

Check out the full agenda and register here:




TPTA Conference Session Feature: Electric Scooters - UT Austin

TPTA Conference Session Feature: Electric Scooter Communication, Policy Creation, and Implementation at UT Austin

This presentation will highlight how the University of Texas at Austin has navigated the adoption of electric scooters on campus. Hear about implementation lessons learned, and how scooters are quickly becoming a main mode of transportation and not just an alternative.

Check out the full agenda and register here:

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TPTA Conference Session Feature: Don't Cite the Visitor - UT Arlington

TPTA Conference Session Feature: Don't Cite the Visitor: UT Arlington's Journey to Balance a Robust LPR Enforcement Strategy with Managing Event and Visitor Parking Needs

Find out how UT Arlington utilized enhanced technology to more effectively identify and understand visitor parking needs without significantly straining department staff. The university implemented a comprehensive visitor process to accommodate the need to effectively enforce while managing all parking operations.

Check out the full agenda and register here:




Submit Distinguished Service Award nominations Today!

One week left to submit your nominations for the TPTA Distinguished Service Award! Nominate a parking professional you know who has contributed to the education, professional development, creative solutions, and standards of customer service in the parking and transportation industry. Register no later than next Friday, March 15. Details here -

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TPTA Conference Session Feature: The New Face of PARCS

Get an overview of the latest advances in parking access and revenue control equipment and how these changes benefit patrons by making the parking experience more user-friendly, as well as benefit owners by making parking more manageable and profitable.

Check out the full agenda and register here:





Parking Matters - member contributions to IPMI

We love to highlight member contributions to the industry! If you write a blog or article for any industry website or publication - let us know!

Read Mary Mabry’s thoughts on professional development here. Mary is slated to speak at #TPTA2019 - you can read about her presentation here.

Jaime Snyder also contributed to the IPMI blog - read her post here - you can also see her presentation on the same subject at the IPMI conference in Anaheim.

Check out other posts on the IPMI website

While you’re on the IPMI website - take the survey for parking data analytics.




TPTA Conference Session Feature: Adapt, Improvise and Overcome - a Baylor Parking Way

Learn how in the face of budget and staffing limitations the Baylor University parking and transportation department improved their operations in several key areas.The department implemented numerous innovative solutions in the areas of customer service, booting and towing, signage, and bicycle management.

Check out the full agenda and register here:





Deadline for TPTA awards is TODAY!

Today is the deadline to submit your nominations for the TPTA annual awards program! Enter your project or program no later than close of business today. This is a great opportunity to get your groundbreaking projects and innovations the recognition they deserve! Details here -

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Last Call for Sponsorships #TPTA2019

There are still a few TPTA Conference & Tradeshow sponsorship opportunities available! Take advantage of this great opportunity to have your organization recognized in front of the leading parking, transportation, and mobility professionals from throughout Texas and beyond. Check out the sponsorship opportunities and sign up here -




Just Announced! The TPTA Annual Conference & Tradeshow Program!

We are thrilled to announce the full schedule and education program for the 2019 TPTA Annual Conference and Tradeshow, April 22-25, 2019 in Houston.

 We have pulled together a diverse agenda of sessions by experts from throughout the parking, transportation, and mobility industries. It is our goal to provide our members and attendees with the highest quality of educational, networking, and professional development opportunities. This program will provide attendees from higher education and healthcare institutions, cities, municipal parking authorities, transit agencies, airports, parking operators, and more with the information, resources, and tools to enhance the parking and transportation operations.

 Some of the topics highlighted will include:

 ·         Customer service

·         Parking technology

·         Enforcement

·         Impacts of mobility trends on parking

·         Parking operations during natural disasters

·         Smart cities

·         Alternative transportation

·         Strategic planning

·         Curb management

·         Procurement best practices

 The 2019 TPTA Conference & Tradeshow program is designed to offer the highest quality education for attendees. In addition, the agenda also includes numerous professional development and networking opportunities to connect with and learn from other parking, transportation, and mobility from throughout Texas and beyond.

 View the entire agenda here, and register today!




Deadlines and quick links

We want to make sure the various deadlines for #TPTA2019 are at your fingertips! So here’s a quick recap:

March 1, 2019 - Annual Awards submissions due. Read here for more info.

March 15, 2019 - Distinguished Service Award nominations due. Read here for more info.

March 1, 2019 - Non Member Conference Rates increase to $600. Register NOW.

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Finally, we have some sponsorships available - thank you to all our sponsors for helping us put on this event. We can’t do it without you!. If you haven’t booked your sponsorship, Check out what is available.

Don’t forget we have a Best of Show contest - so may the best booth win!

Download Day - to be announced! The conference app is under production and will soon be available. Attendees can review all the sessions, provide feedback and network with colleagues via the app. And the in-app game will be back!

Any questions - contact



Nominate Your Projects and People for the 2019 TPTA Awards Today!

Don’t forget to send in your nominations for the TPTA Annual Awards Competition! The TPTA awards program recognizes outstanding parking-related projects, as well as the professionals helping to guide the parking, transportation, and mobility industry into the future.

The awards competition promotes an appreciation of excellence in parking design, equipment, operations, and construction among the industry and the general public. It’s also a great way to get your groundbreaking projects and innovations the recognition they deserve!

 You can submit your projects in any (or all) of the following categories:

  1. Parking Structure - New

  2. Parking Structure - Restoration

  3. Parking Program

  4.  Parking Technology and Equipment

  5. Parking Employee

For TPTA awards program details, and to submit, click here.

 TPTA also offers our annual Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes those parking professionals who have led the way toward implementing creative parking, transportation, or mobility solutions. Nominees are also recognized for their commitment to customer service in our industry.

 Click here for award details and to nominate your favorite parking professional!

 Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to recognize your projects and people!

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